Thursday, May 6, 2010

VHDL Half Adder and Full Adder Design

Problem: Design a Half Adder (Behavioral)
 1 -- HALF_Adder_behavioral.vhd
 2 entity Half_Adder is
 3     port(
 4         A,B: in BIT;
 5         S, C: out BIT
 6     );
 7 end Half_Adder;
 9 architecture struct of Half_Adder is
10 begin
11     S <= A xor B;
12     C <= A and B;
13 end struct;

Problem: Design a Full Adder using Half Adders components (Structural)
 1 -- FullAdder_Structural.vhd
 2 entity FULL_ADDER is
 3     port(A,B,C: in BIT;
 4         S, Cout:    out BIT);
 5 end FULL_ADDER;
 7 architecture FAIns of FULL_ADDER is
 8     component HALF_ADDER
 9     port(I1, I2: in BIT;
10         Carry, Sum:    out BIT);
11     end component;
13     component OR_GATE
14         port(I1,I2: in BIT;
15                 O:  out BIT);
16     end component;
17     signal X1, X2, X3:  BIT;
19 begin
20     HA1: HALF_ADDER port map (
21         I1 => A, I2 => B, Carry => X1, Sum => X2);
22     HA2: HALF_ADDER port map (
23         I1 => X2, I2 => C, Carry => X3, Sum => S);
24     OR1: OR_GATE    port map(
25         I1 => X1, I2 => X3, O => Cout);
26 end FAIns;


  1. the first one is by dataflow not behavioural

  2. Can you state the difference between dataflow and behavioral?

    I think data flow can be used in behavioral programs.

  3. why component of xor,and not declared in half adder?
