Monday, January 18, 2010

Assembling and Linking Assembly Language Codes with TASM and MASM

On the days of Assembly Programming I enjoyed it very much. It was not about which assembler I used, whether it was turbo assembler or microsoft assembler. It was about the clever scripts I always wrote to perform compilation of my codes and linking at ease.

So if you were using Turbo Assember what would be the command to assemble the code. It is:

D:\tasm\bin> tasm filename.asm

And how to link?

D:\tasm\bin> tlink filename

Notice the tlink command uses only filename. No extension should be provided. Otherwise it will halt on error.

You’ll find my batch script more interesting.

@echo Saint Atique Windows Batch Script
@if exist %1.obj del %1.obj
@if exist %1.exe del %1.exe
@tasm %1
@if not exist %1.obj goto End
@echo Compiled filename: %1.asm (Assembly Sourcecode)
@tlink %1
@echo Linked filename: %1.obj (Object file)
@if not exist %1.exe goto End
@echo %1.exe (Executable file running under %os% DOS)
@echo =========================================================

@echo Process Ended

As I saved it as tcpl.cmd the command to assemble and link a program file was:

D:\tasm\bin> tcpl filename.asm

I wrote the following script to assemble and link with masm as you know assemble command is masm and linking command is link.

@title Saint Atique masm platform
@echo Saint Atique Script
@echo MASM assemble syntax: mpl SourceFileName (output file is out.exe)
@echo Creating object file.
@rem case sensitive /ml switch
@if exist out.exe del out.exe
@if exist out.obj del out.obj
@masm /ml %1 out
@if not exist out.obj goto obj_fail
@echo Linking output obj file
@link /batch out;
@if not exist out.exe goto build_fail
@echo Running executable file: out.exe
@echo ==============================================
@echo Process succeeded.
@goto end
@echo Error generating obj binary codes
@goto end
@Echo Error building executable file..

@echo Process Ended.
@title Saint Atique Terminal

And for compiling masm win32 programs I wrote this script, saved a lot of hard works and avoiding boorish repetition.

@title Saint Atique masm win32 platform
@echo Saint Atique Script
@echo MASM assemble syntax: wpl SourceFileName
@echo Creating object file.
@if exist %1.exe del %1.exe
@if exist %1.obj del %1.obj
@ml /c /coff /Cp %1.asm
@if not exist %1.obj goto obj_fail
@if exist %1.rc @echo Linking %1.rc & @rc %1.rc
@echo Linking object file and res file
@link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /LIBPATH:e:\masm32\lib %1.obj %1.RES
@if not exist %1.exe goto build_fail
@echo Running executable file: %1.exe
@echo ==============================================
@echo Process succeeded.
@goto end
@echo Error generating obj binary codes
@goto end
@Echo Errors in source. Correction required..

@echo Process Ended.
@title Saint Atique Terminal

Happy assembling.

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